Gas fees and Minting

What are gas fees and how to mint

"Gas" is essential to the network. It is the fuel that allows it to operate, in the same way that a car needs gasoline to run. GWEI is short for gigawei, or 1,000,000,000 wei. Wei, as the smallest (base) unit of ether, just like what cents are to the dollar and satoshi are to bitcoin.

  • For every transaction you make on the blockchain, you'll have to pay fees. The amount of fees varies from blockchain to blockchain.

  • The gas fees can be easily adjusted. The lower the fee, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm.

  • We highly advise users to not change the gas price and leave the default settings your web3 provider (MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect...) suggests because this can cause the transaction to fail.

On the other hand, "Minting" is the process of validating information, creating a new block, and recording that information into the blockchain. Basically, it's the process in which your NFT is added to the blockchain.

  • You will need to mint your collectibles in order to sell them on the Marketplace.

  • To mint a collectible, click it and then select the "Mint" option. Then, click on "Confirm" once the MetaMask transaction pops up, follow the instructions, pay the BNB gas fee (just a couple cents), and it's done!

  • To see the collectibles in your MetaMask (this is optional), click on "Add Token", paste this address "0x618dcd507d1dcedaed7df0df54728326fd33d22e" on the Contract Address, add "0" on the Token Decimal. After this you will have a representative token called "BEP721" that represents your NFTs.

Last updated