How to get help

Do you have questions or problems to report? Know where to reach out to us

If you don't find the answer to your fantasy related questions in our website or the Rules (classic or draft), or you have a problem to report, contact us through the Feedback option inside the fantasy platform.

Desktop version:

Mobile version:

You can always reach out to us directly through our support email at or our various social media channels:

If your account has been compromised in any way, change your email and password on another device.

If you can't access your account, reach out to us at with your registration email explaining your situation and we'll change the credentials for you.

You'll have to provide the following details:

  • Your username, date of birth, telephone number and/or any other possible relevant information for proof of ownership of the account.

  • The new email and password you want us to change to.

Last updated